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140 grams of fresh Blueberries
contain the following:
Calories 100
Total Fat 1 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 0 mg
Saturated fat 0 g
Fibre 3 g
Total Carbohydrate 27 g
Sugars 11 g
Protein 1 g
Vitamin C 15%
Iron 2%
Scientists have discovered many health benefits from eating blueberries. They are one of the richest sources of antioxidants of the fruits and vegetables that have been studied. Antioxidants are responsible in part for keeping us healthily and young. They help fight cell damaging “free radicals”. Free radicals are unstable substances that our bodies produce as we get older. They damage human cells and our DNA. US scientists have shown that the antioxidants contained in Blueberries help to slow th ageing process and reduce the risk of cancer.
The antioxidants are contained in “Anthocyanins” (Greek word meaning “plant” and “blue”) these are the reason why Blueberries are Blue ! They are responsible for the Blue colour of the fruit. Strawberries and Spinach also contain high levels of antioxidants.
Chemical studies in the US by the Agricultural Research Service have very recently revealed that Blueberries (as well as strawberries and raspberries) contain chemicals that decreased the growth of cervical and breast cancer cells by a considerable percentage.
Blueberries have also found to contain resveratrol, another potential anti-cancer agent.
Blueberries have also shown to not only halt the ageing process but actually reverse it ! Experiments have also indicated that eating Blueberries improves short term memory loss and improves balance and co-ordination.
So eat more Blueberries to stay healthily !!
Daily Mail, Monday, March 1, 2004
THE new health craze that has taken America by storm is a book called SuperFoods RX* which unveils 14 foods with incredible health properties. Today and for the next two days, we will tell you why Californian Dr Steven Pratt, who complied the list, prescribes them for a healthy life. We also provide deilcious recipes to help you include them in your diet. The foods which can slow the ageing process and prevent the onset of diseases such as cancer and diabetes are: Beans, Blueberries, Broccoli, Oats, Oranges, Pumpkin, Salmon, Soy, Spinach,Tea, Tomatoes, Turkey, Walnuts, and Yoghurt. Dr Pratt, who came up with his SuperFoods diet after studying the eating habits of his patients for 20 years, says that together they provide the highest levels of vitamins, fibre and disease苯ighting chemicals.They also stop skin sagging.
‘The right foods can actually change the course of your biochemistry,’he adds.’They can help to stop damage at cellular levels that can develop into disease.The delightful side effect is that you feel better, have more energy and look better.’ Today, we look at Salmon, Oranges Blueberries, Turkey, Broccoli, Pumpkin, and Soya. ANNE SHOOTER *RX is medical shorthandfor a prescription Blueberries RECOMMENDED AMOUNT: One to two handfuls a day. A SMALL but mighty nutritional force, the blueberry was ranked number one in antioxidant activity in a recent study when compared to 40 other fresh fruits and vegetables. Just one serving of blueberries (a large handful) provides as many antioxidants as five servings of carrots, apples, broccoli or squash.
The extraordinary health and anti-ageing benefits of the blueberry include their role in lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease and, most likely, cancer. Anthocyanin -the pigment that makes the blueberries blue, and an antioxidant -is thought to be responsible for its remarkable health benefits.The darker the berry, the higher the levels of anthocyanin. Blueberries have at least five differerent kinds of anthocyanins, concentrated in the skin to protect the fruit from sunlight and other harmful agents. The exciting thing about anthocyanins is their brain-boosting capacity. Neuroscientists have discovered that feeding blueberries to lab rats slowed age-related loss in their mental capacity, a finding that has important and exciting implications for humans because it means blueberries might be able to help combat conditions such as dementia and Aizheirner’s disease.
There are ongoing studies which are finding that blueberries can help memory, concentration and co-ordination.They may also reduce the build up of so called’bad’ cholesterol that contributes to cardiovascular disease and stroke, according to scientists at the University of California. Antioxidants are believed to be the active component. And researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey have identified a compound in blueberries that appears to prevent bacteria from adhering to the cells that line the walls of the urinary tract, preventing infection. Blueberries can also help relieve both diarrhoea and constipation because they are rich in the soluble fibre pectin. Also the tannins in the fruit reduce inflammation in the digestive system.
A number of studies in Europe have recorded the relationship between bilberries (European cousin of blueberries) and improved eyesight -again, due to anthocyanin. Blueberries also provide another antioxidant -ellagic acid, which has been shown to prevent cancer developing. Studies have shown that people who consume fruits with the most ellagic acid were three times less likely to develop cancer than those who consumed little or no ellagic acid.
Eat these, live longer
“If you had to pick one food it’d have to be blueberries”
From the Daily Express Monday 23 February 2004
WE all know that spinach, yogurt and oranges are good for us but now some rather more unusual foods are claimed to be part of the secret to a long life with blueberries top of the list. Turkey, walnuts and pumpkin are also “superfoods” which prevent illness, give you more energy and help fight old,age, a US doctor claims. Beans, broccoli, oats, salmon, tomatoes, soya and tea complete a 14-strong group -all rich in nutrients -which if eaten regularly are said to prevent and even reverse heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and dementia.
Dr Steven Pratt, who has co-written SuperFoods: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life, says the list offers the ultimate combination of life-enhancing nutrients, including vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, “The right foods can actually change the course of your biochemistiy,” he said. “These superfoods can help to stop damage at the cellular levels that can develop into disease. “And they have the delightful side effect of making you feel better, look better and have more energy.” The foods can also target specific illnesses, Dr Pratt claims. He says spinach is best for low rates of heart disease, cancer and cataracts, while the high vitamin E and vitamin C content of blueberries could help reduce mental deterioration. “If you had to pick one food to ensure your lowest rates of dementia as you get older, blueberries are the thing -fresh or frozen it does not matter,” Dr Pratt said.
“Two easy ways to avoid diabetes are to eat four servings of beans a week and three to five servings of whole grains a day.” However, exercise plays a key part too, Dr Pratt stresses. “The linchpin of good health includes 30 to 60 minutes a day of aerobic exer苞ise, and weight-training two to three times a week.” Dr Pratt criticised the trendy Atkins diet. He believes that a low-carbohydrate, high-protein regime is dangerously flawed.
The Food Standards Agency said eating a healthy balanced diet was most important, rather than focusing on any one food group, while nutritionist Juliette Kellow said: “All the foods on this list are relatively low fat and contain lots of nutrients. But it is important to eat a range of foods.” Meanwhile, organic milk is more nutritious with 65 per cent more omega3 essential fatty acids than ordinary milk The Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research found. By John Chapman
ARS Sept 2001 Therapeutic Berries and Resveratrol
“Just as dark skinned bunch grapes contain significant quantities of resveratrol, so do
some berries. Studies have shown that not does this compound protect grapes from
fungal disease, it also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and shows
anti cancer activity.
Researchers took samples of blueberries, cranberries, huckleberries, and related plants
representing 5 families and 10 species of vaccinium fruit-along with muscadine grapes-to
assay for resveratrol. Several fruits contained varying amounts of the compound.
Concentration in the grapes was higher in the skin and seeds than in the juice itself.”
Dr. Marios Medical Notes April 2002 ish
“We all know that fruit and vegetables are good for us. However, did you know that
dark-coloured fruit , and particularly berries, are especially good for health because
they contain a powerful combination of beneficial plant chemicals?
New research has shown that a particular type of dark-coloured fruit,
the wild blueberry, is a nutritional jackpot in terms of health benefits.
Wild blueberry fruit, or extract in tablet form, may reduce the likelihood of heart disease
and cancer, as well as fight cystitis, loss of vision, memory problems and aging.
Just what are the magic ingredients? The fruits contain large amounts of essential
chemicals such as cathechins and anthocyanins. “
Daily Newspaper Source April 2002
“Blueberries are a good source of dietary fibre and vitamin C, they contain more
antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable – and they can also boost your
brain power.
The phytochemicals responsible for making the blueberry the healthiest fruit around are
anthocyanins. These are found in other berries but there are more of them in
blueberries. They help combat free – radical damage, helping to ward off cancer,
strokes and other age related diseases. Anthocyanins can help reduce eyestrain
and improve night vision. They may also help prevent macular degeneration,
a leading cause of blindness.
Blueberries are high in the phytochemical resveratol, also found in grapes and wine,
which has been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Alongside cranberries, blueberries help prevent urinary tract infections and can help
combat cystitis. Studies in the US have shown how a blueberry-enriched diet improves
memory and problem – solving ability.
Dr. James Joseph, chief of neuroscience at Tufts University in Boston, has studied the
ability of blueberries to reverse short term memory loss. He says: “the blueberry is a
very powerful food in the ageing battle”
Just a handful of these amazing little berries mixed with your morning cereal or in a
smoothie will help keep you mentally alert.”